A little while back I wrote a short post about the Tangible Waves modular system that I was putting together, and since April I've been doing just that, albeit slowly and with what I hope is enough research to back up my purchases. I've started to use the system in various projects, especially in forthcoming music in For The Warp, but it's also been a highly inspirational tool for some other ideas I've got in the pipeline, and since winter is on it's way, I should have plenty of inside time to delve a little deeper.

I've expanded the case into three sets of 16U, and started to really have a think about positioning, though like many, I've found it's best to just get on with it and have some fun. It's vaguely setup so that sound sources are positioned in the top rack, with clock, timing and sequencing in the middle rack, and audio effects and utilities on the left at the bottom. Finally there's a section of modulation sources on the right, and some fairly oddly placed envelopes and VCAs in the middle there. Some new modules to me are the super-fun FMOS, super-useful Quantiser and super-wobbly 2LFO (pictured below). Super.
One thing I'm keen to setup, is a link between my interactive work in Unreal Engine and the modular, which is something I'll be looking into over the coming months. For now, I've got a few other ideas to investigate first and lots of noise making to do... thanks for reading!