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2016 - PRESENT

Composition / Sound Design


'Massive Galaxy' is a space-trading point and click sci-fi adventure in development by a small but talented team. I've been working on the project now since 2016, when I was first asked to compose a score for the games initial teaser trailer. Since then, I've been creating a range of compositions, sound effects and cut scene motifs that are beginning to soundtrack the world of Massive Galaxy. 

The game features a variety of different planets, systems and locations and these have inspired most of the score so far. Even though the game is not yet complete, I hope you'll be able to get a feel for the world in which it's stories play out.

Find more at  - / @MassiveGalaxy

I'm always looking for exciting projects to get involved in and would love to hear about your ideas, so drop me an email if you have something in mind.

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© 2023 Martyn Stonehouse

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